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Search | Parallel (//) and identical (=)
The CBG Medicines Data Bank includes the most important information on all medicinal products authorised for marketing in the Netherlands, including the SmPC, the (scientific) product information on a medicinal product; a more extensive package leaflet for the benefit of health professionals such as the prescribing doctor and the pharmacist, containing information regarding the safe and proper use of a medicinal product. Unfortunately, this information is only available in Dutch. The patient information leaflet is also available as well as a public assessment report for a number of products, which includes the scientific basis on which approval for a marketing authorisation or variation has been granted.
In the search results and overviews SmPCs in English can be found. Medicinal products with English texts are authorised in the Netherlands, but not marketed at the moment.
The basic data on medicinal products that have been authorised in the Netherlands following a European procedure can also be found here. Not only all allopathic medicinal products, but also all authorised homeopathic medicinal products are included. The MEB has had the task of assessing homeopathic medicinal products since 1996. Prior to 1996, these products were exempt from authorisation. Not all homeopathic medicinal products have been authorised (for further information see the Homeopathy section).
Various search parameters can be used to retrieve information. The data bank is updated on a weekly basis. A revised version presenting the most up-to-date situation can be found on the website every Thursday morning.
General Search
- When carrying out a search, several of the search screen fields can be filled in.
- You only need to provide the first letters of a search parameter. For example, the first letters of an active substance; the Medicines Data Bank then searches for all medicinal products containing an active substance starting with these letters.
- You can also search by typing a * followed by the preferred characters of your search query. For example, if *456 is filled in under RVG number, the Medicines Data Bank searches for all products containing 456, such as RVG number 24562 and RVG number 19456.
- Using <Ctrl F> you can search within the page where you are at that moment. This can be useful if the page in question contains a great deal of information.
- By default, the results are sorted by authorisation number. Using the AZ buttons, the results in any of the columns (authorisation number, product name or ATC code) can subsequently be sorted in ascending or descending order.
- After performing a search, a result list is provided, with the registration numbers, product names and ATC codes of the products that match the search criteria. After clicking on the registration number information on that specific product is shown.
- The SmPC (scientific product information), package leaflet and public assessment report are documents in PDF format. The files vary in size from 12 kB to approximately 1MB.
- From the product specific information you can return to the result screen by clicking Back to results.
- From the result screen you can return to the search screen by clicking Back to search, where you can alter your search, or clear the fields by clicking the Clear button.
- Start a new search by pressing the Reset button in the search field.
Specific in the fields
- Search parameter RVG / RVH / EU number: Each medicinal product that is authorised for marketing in the Netherlands has a unique marketing authorisation number. Nationally authorised medicinal products have an RVG number, homeopathic medicinal products have an RVH number and medicinal products authorised at the European level have an EU number.
- Search parameters Active substance and excipient: The Medicines Data Bank searches for ingredients by their Dutch names.
The tick box allows searching for medicinal products containing or not containing a particular excipient (see Disclaimer).The Medicines Data Bank also provides some quantitative information on the composition. As yet, this information is available for the active ingredients and excipients, of which knowledge is essential for proper administration and safe use of the medicinal product. At the moment, quantitative information is available for the following excipients: benzyl alcohol, propylene glycol and ethanol.- Search parameter ATC allows for searches by either ATC code or ATC description by entering the first two characters or more. For possible codes and descriptions see the WHO-ATC / DDD index.
- Search parameters pharmaceutical form / route of administration make use of choice lists with several levels, making it possible to search in a more general way or specify to greater detail.
- Search parameter authorisation date: If you want to search from a particular date of authorisation onwards, you only need to provide this date in the first box. If you want to search up to a particular date of authorisation, you only need to fill this into the last box. If you fill the same date in both boxes, you will obtain information on all products that were authorised on that date.
- Search parameter SmPC: In SmPCs you can search in the sections Indication, Contra-indication and/or in the whole SmPC. By combining multiple search parameters you can, for example, search on ‘Which antibiotics are authorised for treatment of Lyme’s disease?’. By searching on ATC code J01 (antibiotics) and search parameter ‘Lyme’ in section Indication you can see a quick overview. For more detailed information the whole SmPC needs to be opened by clicking on the link under the authorisation's registration number.
Please be advised that no centrally authorised products will be found when searching in all SmPCs. The result will also not list products with SmPCs in older formats.Parallel (//) and identical (=)
Parallel imported products have a combined number: The RVG number is followed by two slanting lines // and the number of the original product. Products for which the composition, manufacturer, method of manufacture and analytical methods are identical to those of a previously authorised pharmaceutical product also have a combined number: the RVG number is followed by two horizontal lines = and the number of the identical authorised product.
For parallel medicinal products the SmPC of the original product is shown; for the exact composition and specific product information of the parallel product we refer to the package leaflet.